Posts tagged closet capsule basics
Fresh Fashion: Building a Capsule Wardrobe

I did capsule wardrobes for all my children… while I was supposed to be making one for myself. I did tell you not to do that :) I’m working on my own and started my husband’s capsule as well.

The children’s wardrobes were much easier because theirs needed to only last for a season (not the next twenty years!) but I tried to make sure I had a lot of pieces that would easily transition into the spring and summer and hopefully, will still fit next fall. For my older son, I tried to buy items I thought would last long enough for my younger son to wear them after. That may mean I spent a bit more on some things but that cost can be divided between two children. 

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Fresh Fashion: Clean Out Your Closet

Welcome to #freshminimalism! 

Why is that hashtag not used already?! It’s beyond me. Thank you, Jesus. It was obviously meant to be. If you missed our introduction post, you can read it here.

When times are tough and money is scarce, this process of “cleaning out the closet” may seem a little bit silly and even vain, but creating an environment where we feel good and are not overwhelmed with “stuff” is so helpful; clutter in the home leads to clutter in the mind.

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