The Be Still Series Bible Study

The Be Still Series Bible Study
Whatever you're going through, whether currently addiction-related or not, the lessons you'll find in The Be Still Series will lay a firm foundation for anything life throws at you.
Break Up With Your Bad Boundaries, a six-part video series on the lies we’re told about boundaries in addiction.
Read my book, No One Brings You a Casserole When Your Husband Goes to Rehab.
Fully optimized for smartphone/tablet
Download to your home computer and fill out your homework online (save the trees!)
Each chapter has actionable exercises for one week
Due to the nature of digital products, I no longer issue refunds.
Don’t take my word for it! The Be Still Series is a best seller because…
“Just began the Series and it is already speaking to my soul. I have failed my faith over these last years while dealing with the many issues that come with living with a spouse that is untreated for dual diagnoses and has decided on top of that to become an atheist. My anger got the best of me for a long time, but no more. I am finally feeling freedom as I stop enabling, began a separation and turn my attention on healing my soul and my daughters. Thank you for writing this series.”
“Here’s a sort of humorous, yet powerful thing the Lord taught me in just the first week: Leah has us write down things we’re worried about then go after just one of those to learn what God’s truth teaches about it, which really teaches us about ourselves. So as I was jotting down my concerns, the Lord said, “Oh, I created the entire universe, and you think THAT is a problem for Me???” I was laughing at my own self by the end of my list because He kept saying “Nope, not a problem” with each thing, but it was the laugh of freedom.”
“Something that stuck with me is to be vulnerable with God! I wrote down my heartbreak and what I learned through them, my strengths and some single words that would describe me. I wrote down quite a few and I’m very proud I came up with so many. I have been allowing the enemy to come in and attack me. I noticed when the enemy attacks that is when self-defeating thoughts pop up and I feel sorry for myself and have terrible feelings and am ready to give up... but one thing God has given me through my heartbreaks is determination - the power to never give up!”
“Leah is getting all up in my bizniz! Week 2 you REALLY trust God? I’ve been thinking about this all day. I THOUGHT I did, but the fact that I get in His way when I claim I’ve given a problem to Him sort of proves I’m lying to myself. My favorite old timey evangelist used to say, “Do you believe God CAN do (insert your concern here)?” Of course the Christian answer is yes. But then the evangelist would say, “Do you believe He WILL? Cause if not, that’s about you, not God.” Thank you for continually holding the Word up as our mirror, Leah. We’re not going to make much progress until we look in it and say, “Search ME, oh God.” Y’all really should do this study, btw (yep, I’m southern, y’all is a proper pronoun!).”
“Loving The Be Still Series! Lesson 8- She’s a Dreamer! Great lesson! All of them are so far. It’s nice to take the time to learn about who I am, let’s say, “Wow!” Never knew who I truly was until I took search!”
*reviews are anonymous to protect the women’s identities